Into the heart of Java: Ciamis – Banjar – Majenang – Gombong – Purworejo – Borobudur - Indonesia Travel Tips, News & Experience

Into the heart of Java: Ciamis – Banjar – Majenang – Gombong – Purworejo – Borobudur

Ciamis – Banjar – Majenang – Gombong – Purworejo – Borobudur

Setting off at ten, not quite as early as planned, it was great to be able to see the surrounding countryside. The dark of night had offered no clues and the morning light revealed a brilliantly green world, bathed in sunshine and surrounded by the majestic peaks of West Java. Perfect conditions for the road trip to Borobudur.

In route from Ciamis to Majenang we passed lovely pastoral scenes before joining the South Western Highway towards Yogyakarta.

A long day’s drive later, we finally checked into Sariswati Borobudur an interesting luxurious hideaway located a stone throw from the ancient temple site. After a quick dinner, we set off to explore the neighbouring village although it didn’t take to long to realize that the night end pretty early in these parts. Unlike Siam Reap, the bustling town near the temples of Angkor in Cambodia, it appears that most visitors to Borobudur stay elsewhere, as the streets now quiet with no obvious sign of tourist anywhere. The nearest bar, I was told was 40 kms away in Yogyakarta. I decided to move up to Amanjiwo nearby.

The Amanjiwo must be the most aesthetically pleasing hotel that I’ve visited. Not only is Ed Tuttle’s design and architecture exquisite, the standard of service and attention to detail are second to none. The beauty and splendor of this magnificent structure, coupled with the view from the restaurant terrace of fertile fields of tobacco to the Borobudur complex and sacred Tidar hill beyond is quite spectacular.


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