Indonesia Travel Experience: Kediri (part 2) - Indonesia Travel Tips, News & Experience

Indonesia Travel Experience: Kediri (part 2)

I only stayed for 1 day at Kediri, so there is not much that I can share with you. We had dinner at Ikan Bakar Cianjur Restaurant (why would I travel that far only to eat west Java's food. I could easily find it in my home town Bandung). The place is great and so as the food. I ordered fried Chicken and tofu.
The day after, I came back to Bandung by "Kramat Jati" Bus. The ticket only cost me 13 US dollars. Actually there are limited ways to travel from Kediri to Bandung, train or bus. If you want to use flight, then you have to go to Surabaya first.
Travelling from Kediri to Bandung took about 14 hours by bus. So be prepared to sit for a long time before you go.
Ok, that is it for Kediri. Next, I'll tell you about Balikpapan, it's very interesting experience that I got there. C U.

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